Core Team
Geoff Wong
Experienced in the areas of Programming Languages and Software
Engineering, Geoff Wong is a director of
Zikzak Technologies . He previously worked for the Software Engineering
Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia. He holds a Masters by research
in Computer Science from Monash University. He has extensive
experience in the area of Internet Technologies. Previous
experience includes software development for looksmart.com.
Pekka Hedqvist
Experienced in the areas of Parallel and Robust Systems and
Telecommunications Technologies, Pekka Hedqvist currently works
for Alteon Europe, Stockholm,
Sweden. He holds a Masters in Computer Science from Uppsala University. He
has extensive experience in the area of data telephony.
Mick Dwyer
Experienced in the areas of Testing Distributed Systems and System
Programming, Mick Dwyer currently works for EMUlab at
Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia. He holds an Honours degree
in Computer Science from RMIT University. He has previously worked
with a multimedia communications company and helped found a Community
Internet Association.
Eric Yeo
Experienced in the areas of Enterprise Computing and
Telecommunications Technologies.
He holds a Honours Degree in Computer Science from the University
of Melbourne.