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Web Servers for Commercial Environments:

The imperatives and the solution (EWP-001, March 1999)

Michael Rumsewicz

In this paper we discuss the imperatives for Web server solutions that are efficient, scalable and reliable. We provide an initial, high level, set of requirements that such Web servers need to fulfil in order to successfully support commercial Web applications.

We introduce Eddie, an Ericsson sponsored Open Source effort making multi- platform, commercial grade Web server systems a reality. Eddie is a flexible web server infrastructure that enables

  • A web server to be distributed geographically across multiple sites, across multiple continents, through the use of an Enhanced Domain Name Service platform.
  • Maximisation of web server throughput, through the use of dynamic load balancing across sites and between servers within a single site.
  • Scalability via the straightforward addition of new servers to existing infrastructure, allowing on-going support of user Quality of Service even as server usage increases.
  • Reliability through the automatic detection and takeover of failed units.
  • Flexibility through support for Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD and Windows NT, and third party web server software, including Apache.


    1 Introduction

    2 Requirements for a commercial grade web server

    3 The Eddie Solution

    3.1 Intelligent HTTP Gateway 3.1.1 Load Balancing 3.1.2 Scalability 3.1.3 Performance Optimisation and Service Protection 3.1.4 Quality of Service 3.1.5 Reliability 3.2 The Enhanced DNS Server 3.2.1 Load Balancing Across Geographically Distributed Sites 4 Summary

    More information


    1 Introduction

    The usage of the Internet and the World Wide Web is increasing at a tremendous rate and the Web is providing a rapidly growing number of commercial services. Such applications ranging from a simple information retrieval through to e-commerce. However, the reliability of current offerings is typically much less than is required for mission critical applications. It is critical to improve the performance of the Web to make it as reliable as the telephone and hence a suitable medium for high volume business critical applications.

    Telecommunications networks have a set of well-established goals during periods of congestion and partial system failure:

  • Maintain good throughput, even during periods of extreme overload
  • Assure tolerable user delays not much larger than those under normal load
  • Assure that there is no breakdown due to overload
  • Ensure system sanity and responsiveness
  • Provide a graceful degradation in service, if degradation is inevitable.

    Unfortunately, the Web has not reached a level of maturity capable of achieving these goals. In fact, it is not clear whether comparable, generally accepted goals even exist for the Web in general, and Web servers in particular.

    While the use of Web servers is growing tremendously, their reliability has not improved at the same rate. During periods of overload Web servers tend to allow requests from new users even though this degrades the Quality of Service perceived by users already accessing the system. There are numerous examples of overload resulting in severe service disruption and financial loss.

    A number of companies are attempting to address the issue of improving Web server capabilities, especially in distributed environments. These companies range from recent start ups, such as Resonate (www.resonate.com), Arrowpoint (www.arrowpoint.com), and Coyote Point (www.coyotepoint.com) to major multinationals such as Hewlett Packard (www.hp.com), Cisco (www.cisco.com) and IBM (www.ibm.com).

    The solutions proposed by these companies span the range from pure software to pure hardware solutions. These solutions suffer from one or all the following shortcomings:

  • Inability to adjust to actual resource usage at the server. This results in either allowing too many users access because the controls are set too loosely, or over-controlling admission and artificially limiting capacity.
  • Discarding a user after they first gain access. This prematurely ends the user interaction with the server to the great detriment of the user's perceived quality of service
  • Hardware based solutions require specialised equipment. This leads to scalability issues and limits their potential for supporting geographically distributed web servers over multiple sites.
  • Geographically distributed web servers will become the norm for companies successfully exploiting the commercial potential of the Web in a global marketplace.
  • Requirement on the use of specific operating systems. This limits the flexibility of the solution in terms of the applications they can be supported and locks the owner into a particular growth path.

    In this paper:

  • We outline the requirements that should be met by any commercial grade web server solution.
  • We introduce Eddie, an Ericsson sponsored Open Source effort targeted to delivering commercial grade web servers to the Internet community.

    The Eddie team mission is to provide the tools which allow the construction of mission critical internet sites providing a continual high level of service focused upon the customer, attuned to the needs of the service provider.

    Eddie provides:

  • The ability to create a truly distributed web server infrastructure. Eddie supports web servers spread over multiple physical sites, spread over many continents.
  • Enhanced web server throughput. Eddie provides sophisticated load balancing capabilities allowing full access to the entire capacity of a distributed web server. This in turn delivers:
  • Increased revenue for web servers supporting e-commerce applications.
  • Improved personnel productivity for web servers supporting work group applications.
  • Performance optimisation. Eddie allows web administrators to dedicate optimised machines to particular tasks, thereby maximising the potential throughput of their distributed web server.
  • Long term scalability. Eddie provides a natural growth path for a distributed web server, while continuing to give users quality of service.
  • User quality of service. Eddie ensures that users accessing a web site receive rapid response to each and every jump to a new link within the site for their entire interaction.
  • Reliability. Eddie allows automatic detection of failed units within the distributed server and automatic takeover of functionality by active units.
  • Flexibility. Eddie supports Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD and Windows NT, and a range of third party web server software, including Apache.

    2 Requirements for a commercial grade web server

    To determine the requirements of a commercial grade web server, let's look at a simple example of user interaction with the web server of a corporation with servers spread across internationally distributed sites (see Figure 1).

    Figure 1

    From the user point of view, the world primarily consists of

  • Themselves, using web browsers to navigate their way through the resources of the Internet.
  • The Internet linking them to a wide range of resources.
  • Web servers, accessed by typing an appropriate Universal Resource Location (URL) into their web browser.

    Users are typically unaware of the actual physical architecture of the web servers they are accessing. In the following we shall refer to multisite web servers as distributed web servers. This is to emphasise the notion that each site should be considered an integral component of a single server as perceived by the user.

    Being able to access the web server actually requires a number of steps to be completed. In our example, the distributed web server consists of two geographically separated sites (see Figure 2). Site 1 consists of a Domain Name Service (DNS) server and four servers running web server software. Site 2 consists of a DNS server and three servers running web server software.

    Figure 2

    A typical session between a user and a web server goes through the following steps:

    1. When the user types in the Universal Resource Location (URL) they are interested in, their Local Domain Name Service (Local DNS) attempts to resolve the domain name to an IP address.

    2. The Local DNS, unable to resolve the domain name, forwards the request to the Authoritative DNS of the domain name.

    3. The Authoritative DNS returns the IP address of the server that should be accessed.

    4. The user begins accessing web pages on the DNS specified server.

    As mentioned earlier, users accessing the distributed web server are unaware of the server particular configuration. The user will expect that on gaining access to the site, they will receive:

  • Continuity and consistency of service for the entire desired duration of interaction with the server.
  • Rapid response time for each page downloaded.

    From the service provider perspective, the expectation is:

  • That throughput will be maintained despite possibly severe overload conditions.
  • Maximise throughput by using all of the server capacity within a particular site. Moreover, that they will be able to use all of the available capacity of both sites simultaneously, even if the sites are in different countries.
  • The distributed web server should be easily scalable to ease future growth, while continuing to support user quality of service.
  • The distributed system will automatically detect server failure and transparently have a failed server's tasks taken over by another server.
  • To have the capability to optimise the performance of the individual servers for use as, for example, Common Gateway Interface (CGI) servers, database machines, or image repositories, and then exploit these performance optimisations.
  • They should be able to run a variety of operating systems on the servers.
  • They will not be locked into a particular hardware or software supplier which would limit their future options.

    3 The Eddie Solution

    Eddie is an Ericsson sponsored Open Source effort aimed at delivering a solution satisfying all of these user and service provider requirements.

    Eddie is:

  • A 100% software solution written primarily in the functional programming language Erlang
  • Available for Solaris, Linux and FreeBSD, with Windows NT on its way.
  • Able to support a range of Web server software, including Apache.
  • Able to support web sites distributed across multiple servers, in multiple sites, in multiple countries.

    Eddie consists of two main software packages:

  • An Intelligent HTTP Gateway.
  • An Enhanced DNS server.

    Figure 3 shows how our example corporation might deploy Eddie. At each site, two new servers are installed with the Eddie Intelligent HTTP Gateway package. We will refer to these as Front End Servers in the following discussion. These servers are responsible for controlling incoming traffic and distributing this traffic to designated web servers, which we refer to as Back End Servers in the following sections. At each site, the existing DNS server software is replaced by the Eddie Enhanced DNS server package.

    Figure 3

    3.1 Intelligent HTTP Gateway

    The functionality within the Intelligent HTTP Gateway package provides
  • Load Balancing,
  • Scalability,
  • Performance Optimisation,
  • User Quality of Service, and
  • Reliability. within a single web server site.

    3.1.1 Load Balancing

    Eddie provides throughput maximisation within each site by using sophisticated load balancing functionality.

    Detailed server load information is passed by each Back End Server to each Front End Server at a site. This information allows the Front Ends to effectively balance incoming requests over all of the Back Ends. The Front End Servers take the load information and continually adjust the fraction of accepted new client requests sent to each Back End Server (See Figure 4). This load balancing is performed to keep each Back End Server working at approximately the same fraction of its overall capacity. By avoiding static load balancing schemes, such as Round Robin, we can efficiently use the full resources of all Back End Servers within the site. This ensures that during periods of high load no capacity is wasted by having underutilised servers. In other words, the throughput of the site is maximised as a result of our load balancing scheme.

    The Eddie approach to load balancing has been designed to make the distributed web server as easy to manage and as future proof as possible to protect the service provider investment. This is why we have ensured that the servers do not need to know about server

  • Brand,
  • Model, or
  • Processor speed.

    It is also why Eddie does not require servers to:

  • Be configured the same way,
  • Have the same capacity,
  • Perform the same functions,
  • Be reconfigured if a server is upgraded, or
  • Use the same operating system.

    The capacity of each Back End Server is automatically learned in real-time and adjusts as the mix of users requests changes. Therefore, change in user traffic profiles patterns are detected and admission control and balancing adjusted without manual intervention.

    Figure 4

    3.1.2 Scalability

    Eddie provides scalability by allowing new servers to be simply added to an existing configuration.

    A website that can't be scaled is a nightmare to maintain, whether it be for forever replacing equipment, juggling configurations or wasting time managing the network rather than building the business.

    Whenever more capacity is required, a new Back End or Front End Server can simply be added to a site (see Figure 5). There is no requirement that the new server be the same as existing servers at the site in terms of speed or operating system. After modifying the Eddie configuration files, the capacity of the new server is immediately available. This capacity is available not only to that site, but to the entire distributed server, even if it is distributed internationally, through the use of the Eddie Enhanced DNS Server package. Eddie therefore provides a natural growth path for service providers while allowing them to maintain user quality of service at each stage of expansion.

    Figure 5

    3.1.3 Performance Optimisation and Service Protection

    Eddie provides the capability to exploit performance optimisations in Back End Servers and protect an existing system from potentially degraded performance due to deployment of new functionality.

    Web servers support a range of different functions, including

  • Acting as image repositories,
  • Database applications, and
  • Common Gateway Interface (CGI) machines.

    Tuning the performance of specific servers to perform such functions can obviously help to increase the overall capacity of a distributed web server. Being able to place different functions or information on different sets of servers allows a web server administrator to physically isolate groups of functions and blocks of information from each other. When the new functions have been proven in, they can be moved to join other functions on other servers. This helps to minimise the risk of new functions having a deleterious impact on an existing system.

    The Eddie Intelligent HTTP Gateway package allows just such specialisation of function and information on Back End Servers. The Front End Servers parse all incoming user requests. This is done for two reasons:

  • To split multiple requests within an HTTP 1.1 persistent connection into single requests, and
  • To be able to schedule HTTP 1.0 and the individual HTTP 1.1 requests to Back End Servers assigned to such requests.

    As illustrated in Figure 6 the web server administrator can, for example, dedicate certain Back End servers to be CGI processing engines, while other machines may be dedicated to act as image repositories. The various machines may then be tuned to optimise their performance for such tasks. The Front End Servers take care of ensuring HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1 features are properly carried out. The allocation of functionality and information to particular Back Ends is specified by the administrator in the Eddie configuration files.

    Figure 6

    3.1.4 Quality of Service

    Eddie provides user Quality of Service by providing advanced admission control functionality. We adopt a simple philosophy to user Quality of Service for Web servers:

    If a user receives the first page they request, they should be able to receive every page they request from the server with rapid response time, until they have finished. If the server cannot guarantee rapid response time, the user should either be queued until sufficient resources are available and told they will be admitted as soon as possible, or rejected and told to return later.

    Eddie contains built-in real-time load monitoring routines to track the usage of each Front End and Back End Server. Load information that can be passed includes CPU load, memory usage, disk delays, page faults and run queue statistics. The web server administrator sets thresholds on the usage of critical resources, which are then used by an Admission Control function to decide bwhether or not a particular server is overloaded. The load information of the Back End Servers is used by the Front Ends to estimate the rate at which new users can be sent to Back Ends and receive rapid response.

    When a Front End Server receives a user request, it checks to see if the user has recently been granted access to the site (see Figure 7). If so, the request is passed directly to the Back End Server that served the previous request from this user. In this way, any required state information may be reliably maintained for the user.

    If the user has not been seen recently, the Front End Server decides whether sufficient Back End Server resources are available. If sufficient resources exist, the request is forwarded to a Back End Server and the Front End Server creates a table entry noting the time of the request. All data passing between the user and the Back End Server passes via this Front End Server which updates the timing information. This is used to create a soft session for the user. If the user ceases to interact with the server for a bconfigurable period, say 10 minutes, the session is closed. Subsequent requests from the user are subjected to admission control.

    If there are insufficient resources to immediately serve the customer, the request is queued by the Front End Server and a web page is returned informing them that they will be admitted shortly. This page is automatically updated, providing feedback to the user on the state of their request. As a side benefit, this discourages them from continually clicking on the same URL and wasting server resources. The site therefore has more capacity available for processing successful, and on hopefully satisfied, users.

    Figure 7

    3.1.5 Reliability

    Eddie provides reliability by automatic detection of server failure and a combination of traffic rerouting and IP address migration (see Figure 8).

    Whether we like it or not, computers occasionally fail and the applications running on them may of die, lock up or otherwise malfunction. The Intelligent HTTP Gateway package comes with built-in mechanisms for minimising the impact of failed servers.

    The Front End Servers within a site monitor the operational status of every Back End Server. If a Back End Server fails, the failure is detected and the Front End Servers immediately re-direct user . requests to other Back End Servers running the same application.

    Failure of a Front End Server is also automatically detected and the IP address migration capability of the Intelligent HTTP gateway package ensures that another Front End Server within the site immediately takes over the IP address of the failed unit. When the failed unit is repaired and brought back into service, its original IP address is automatically migrated back to it. Thus, Eddie provides seamless continuity of service in the event of failures.

    Figure 8

    3.2 The Enhanced DNS Server

    The functionality within the Enhanced DNS Server package provides:
  • Load balancing across geographically distributed sites.

    3.2.1 Load Balancing Across Geographically Distributed Sites

    Eddie provides throughput maximisation across the entire distributed web server by using sophisticated network load balancing functionality.

    For server sites distributed over a city, a country, or even the world, Eddie's Enhanced DNS enables maximum throughput to be achieved by making the entire processing capacity of all servers available. The individual sites may have different numbers of servers, different vintages of computer, even different operating systems.

    The load information passed to each Front End Server within a site is processed and then summary information of the Front End and Back End Servers in each site is passed to each Eddie Enhanced DNS server, across the Internet if necessary (Figure 9). The load information also includes information on the active / failure state of each Front End server and so Eddie is able to route traffic away from failed servers. Each Enhanced DNS then autonomously processes the received information.

    There are also times when no information may be received by an Enhanced DNS from a site for a period. For example, if the link from the Internet to the site fails, or if a failure occurs within the Internet effectively isolating some sites from some Enhanced DNSs. In such situations, each Enhanced DNS independently infers the availability of the site. Traffic is immediately routed away from failed sites considered failed or inaccessible. When information is again received from a site, the site is brought back into use by the Enhanced DNS.

    The Enhanced DNS package dynamically balances client domain name resolution requests across all accessible sites in the distributed web server, and more specifically, across each Front End within each site. The balancing is performed to keep each site working at approximately the same fraction of its overall capacity. This ensures maximum efficiency of Front End Server resources within each site.

    To further ensure that requests are effectively distributed across all sites, a short Time To Live is applied to all domain name resolutions returned. This means that a user accessing the distributed server on different days uses only the most up to date information.

    Figure 9

    4 Summary

    The Eddie team mission is to provide the tools which allow the construction of mission critical internet sites providing a continual high level of service focused upon the customer, attuned to the needs of the service provider.

    We have demonstrated that Eddie delivers:

  • The ability to create a truly distributed web server infrastructure. Eddie supports web servers spread over multiple physical sites, spread over many continents.
  • Enhanced web server throughput. Eddie provides sophisticated load balancing capabilities allowing full access to the entire capacity of a distributed web server.
  • Performance optimisation. Eddie allows web administrators to dedicate optimised machines to particular tasks, thereby maximising the potential throughput of their distributed web server.
  • Long term scalability. Eddie provides a natural growth path for a distributed web server, while continuing to give users quality of service.
  • User quality of service. Eddie ensures that users accessing a web site receive rapid response to each and every jump to a new link within the site for their entire interaction.
  • Reliability. Eddie allows automatic detection of failed units within the distributed server and automatic takeover of functionality by active units.
  • Flexibility. Eddie supports Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD and Windows NT, and a range of third party web server software, including Apache.

    And, by the way, it's free.

    More information

    For more information on the Eddie Open Source effort and to download the Eddie code, visit the Eddie Web site at www.eddieware.org.


    [1] J. Armstrong, R. Virding, C. Wikstrom, Concurrent Programming in ERLANG, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1996.

    [2] M. Castro, M. Dwyer, and M. Rumsewicz, A load balancing and control algorithm for a distributed World Wide Web server, to appear in Proceedings of 1999 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Hawaii, August 1999.

    [3] Australian provisional patent application, no. PP3082, Access Control Method and Apparatus.